I Confess

OK— I confess I have not been drawn into the obsession with American Idol.  American Idol ROCKS!Nearly all of my friends are fans, from the first scathing reviews of wanna-be stars who perceive themselves note-worthy (pun intended), to the last dying breath of the “second-man- standing” on the season finale.

It’s not because I don’t enjoy seeing some of the fine talent that waltzes, er, stumbles through the season.  I simply don’t like some of the vicious criticism and the dashing of fragile character, even though I know if one seeks to succeed in the entertainment industry, one must have a thick skin—either going in, or coming out.  God knows, as a writer, I understand that concept.

Yet, American Idol allows us to reconfirm what we already know, and sometimes in a spectacular, heart-warming, inspired-by-God way: Great things often shine through adversity. 

This performance, by Jason Castro, is one of those great things. 


A friend sent me this link to his “Over the Rainbow” a couple of nights ago and again, I confess, I’ll now be there for the final show. 

So should you.  Rainbow through Gum tree

1 thought on “I Confess”

  1. I also do not normally watch this show, but when visiting my friend in San Diego, we watched because she is hooked. Now that I saw that show, I want to find out how they do! This guy is one of my favorites for sure and I love that rendition of this song!

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