I just spent a week in New York helping my younger daughter settle into an apartment. Being under twenty-five years of age, she needed her Mom for the rental of a car that was used to transport various items of furniture and fluff from second-hand shops to her new abode.
My extra set of arms came in handy, as well as my checkbook.
All-in-all, we had a great time; outfitted the flat and learned an interesting detail about the driving habits of New Yorkers: They don’t seem to know how to merge.
On-ramp after on-ramp, they slow down, then stop, only to wait for a convenient opening which is impossible between the hours of six am to eight pm. Bring a sandwich.
I thought East-Coasters were supposed to be on the fast track. It should be the slouchers on the West Coast that linger at the end of the on-ramp, no?
Take a lesson from your own self-description, New Yorkers: Speed up!