“Busy is good because it shows you’re alive.” ~Alison G. Bailey ~21st Century Busy is bad because: “Finally, everybody agrees…
Simple fact: Writers use words. If we’re lucky those words connect in a way that produces images in the mind. Even…
I heard a Swainson’s Thrush today, its song trailing through the toasted leaf ether of fall— a call to adventure.…
A lovely reminder that one voice is always the voice of many. And many voices, the voice of one. Because…
Seventy-eight days afloat, and another summer spent on the waters of western Canada. My thirtieth year exploring the nooks and…
Is this you? If so, take note: As a writer, one thing I know for certain. Life is like a…
No right way. No wrong way. Just: WAY. Amen
For the past three months I have been immersed in a final edit (only final until it goes to print,…
I’ve known a few souls throughout my life who have, for one reason or another, decided to leave theirs early.…