I heard a Swainson’s Thrush today, its song trailing through the toasted leaf ether of fall— a call to adventure.…
A lovely reminder that one voice is always the voice of many. And many voices, the voice of one. Because…
Seventy-eight days afloat, and another summer spent on the waters of western Canada. My thirtieth year exploring the nooks and…
Dear Axel: You had me the minute I saw your little black nose in the litter-pile: Olive eyes; brown patch…
The Four Phases of Authorship: the thinking process, the writing process, the agenting process, the publishing process. (We will save…
I drew a crowd today. Not by wit or wisdom; neither in distress nor brilliance. Simply because I am a…
My head in the innards of book publication this week, I emerged this morning to the news of Nora Ephron’s…
Neil Gaiman is somewhat of an icon for writers. A man-of-all-trades when it comes to prose, he produces the written…
I started writing fiction in earnest about a decade ago. I was lucky, it only took me a couple of…
The best meter I know of for checking where you are in lfe. Take a look around. Happy with what…