Karen Langley (author of Three Little Words) is a master a putting new friends together over dinner. It’s a great venue for introduction: good food, good wine, and interesting people.
Last weekend was ladies only night at the Stephen table. Among the guests was Salli Newman of Firebrand Production Co.(assoc.producer of the film, When a Man Loves a Woman, among others); Elizabeth Rosenberg, a VP at NBC/Universal; Mimi Kirk, creator of the Cowgirls Game and author Petrine Mitchum, daughter of movie great Robert Mitchum.

Petrine has a wonderful book out: Hollywood Hoofbeats: Trails Blazed Across the Silver Screen, which features the stories of most of the horses used in many films made since movies began rolling in theatres nearly a century ago. It’s well worth having in your library if you are a horse lover or a movie lover…or both.
These women are highly accomplished, confident, and have a keen sense of humor. It’s fun choosing a handful of diverse people to share an evening as often as you can. And who says by age thirty you have formed all the close relationships you’re ever going to?
The dinner was fabulous, and the hostess sent us all home with a gift: new friends.